Relations publiques

RSW International (filiale du groupe AECOM)

Fleuve CongoLe mandat
Le projet INGA est susceptible de devenir le plus important projet hydroélectrique au monde. Versailles communication a fourni une expertise en communication au consortium international responsable des études de pré-faisabilité. Nous avons aussi formé les communicateurs de la Société nationale d’électricité (SNEL), société d’état de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC).

 Le défi
Travaillant parfois à distance et parfois ...

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Serving the Public Interest or the Client First?

What comes first for PR pros? Service to the client or serving the public interest?

Because efficient communication between organizations and the public, as well as between organizations themselves, is at the core of the democratic process our political system is predicated on, ethical public relations are of public interest.

For PR to be eventually recognized as a profession, society must recognize their usefulness.  What is the nature of this usefulness?

The answer lies at the core of the bonds that unite our ...

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